Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Missing him...

Growing up...Although I bought into the ideal of one man and one woman...I could never quite grasp forever and then I met him.

He is dark chocolate, ebony, and caramel complected... he has locs, is bald, and has a Caesar...he's got a mustache, beard and no facial hair..and he is tall and short...hairy and hairless..muscular- somehow he is always muscular... He is loving and considerate, inconsiderate and aggressive...nonchalant and honest, rude and overwhelmingly chilvarous all at once.

He stimulates my mind, erects my sense of humor, awakens my passion with his passion...Oh how he loves me...he loves me so much he tucks me into bed and kisses my forehead...he trusts me so much he loses himself in our kisses...he thrusts himself in me effortlessly...he erupts in laughter with me and pins me down to make sure I get mine...

I miss him, all of him...I love him...I wonder if I can have forever with all of him?!